Re: Changing IP on bridge without disconnecting VMs

Once upon a time, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> said:
On Wed, 2022-07-13 at 07:57 -0500, Chris Adams via networkmanager-list
I have my primary ethernet interface configured in a bridge in NM, so
that I can run VMs and have them on the local network directly.  I
needed to change the IP of the host system, but when I ran "nmcli con
br0", NM removed the VM virtual NICs from the bridge.

Is there a way to do this differently so that wouldn't happen?  It's
a common thing of course, but something I have needed to do before.
I think this two step process might work for you:

1) update the connection to remove the old IP and add the new one, with
something like:

nmcli con <name> mod +ipv4.addresses <new IP>
nmcli con <name> mod -ipv4.addresses <old IP>

2) nmcli dev reapply <bridge interface name>
Ahh, "dev reapply" was the magic thing I didn't know. :)  I've always
done "con up" after making a change, but that does reset more things.
"dev reapply" does not delete all the non-NM bridge members, which is
correct for me.

Chris Adams <linux cmadams net>

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