Re: [gnome-love] I need a project

On 25 Jun 2001 08:48:06 -0400, Mike Borrelli wrote:
Hi Cameron et al,

I actually have a semi-selfish request for some gnome hacker. <g>  Right 
now, gedit supports 'wrapping' but it does so in the middle of a word.  
What would be really awesome is if someone could add/change it so that it 
could wrap at word breaks. 
This can't be fixed till we port gedit to gtk+ 2.0, i've wanted to fix
it for a long time. The thing is that the GtkText widget that ships with
Gtk 1.2 is not very good and the code is messy. However, Havoc wrote a
new widget for Gtk+ 2.0 which is very nice. Gedit will support nice word
wrapping when we port it to the new gtk. But we can't port gedit till we
have libglade and glade ported (which we are working on).

I just subscribed to this list, because I need a project.  I've been
using Linux for a little over 2 yrs now, and I'm feeling a little
selfish, because I've never contributed any code.  Anyway, I was
Good ! go go go go !

checking the todo lists on the developer site, but nothing on the list
(within my skill level) was on an app that I use (most of them seemed to
be for gnumeric...).  Anyway, I was just wondering if someone might
suggest some task(s) that needed to be done on various projects
Yes, i have tried to get developers to add stuff to the database with
out too much sucess.

I talked to the gIDE guys recently, they need lost of help. gIDE is an
integrated development enviroment for GNOME, they have a kick ass
arquitecture and everything is bonobized. They did big rewrite so they
have not been able to do a release (since it is unstable), but they will
soon. There is a big TODO file in cvs/gIDE/TODO. The tasks there have
different experience levels, pick your task fix it and you can either
send me a patch or send it to their mailing list. Send a message to the
mailing list is you have any questions regarding a task inside the TODO.

The mailing list is : gnome-devtools gnome org.
The IRC channel : is #devel-apps in the server


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