Re: [gnome-love]Fixing dialog boxes

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

      - Many dialog boxes lack underlined shortcuts in labels for
          text entries and similar widgets.  For example, you should

              _Name [________________]

        so that you can hit Alt-N to go to that entry.  Push-buttons
        often lack such underlined shortcuts as well.
So how does one fix this? My initial guess was AccelLabel:
    Gtk::AccelLabel *label_widget = new Gtk::AccelLabel ("");

    label_widget->parse_uline ("_Foo");
    label_widget->set_alignment (1, 0.5);
    label_widget->set_accel_widget (control);

So I tought pressing M-f would focus the control. But this is not

For libglade interfaces, setting an underline accelerator for a label sort
of works: sometimes (mostly for entries) it guesses the right widget to
focus, but sometimes nothing happens.

   .--= ULLA! =----------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \       \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `-----= cactus cactus rulez org =--'
Exactly what time of morning did technology pass me by?

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