Re: [gnome-love] 10 ideas on where to start ....

On Sat, 2001-10-13 at 01:28, German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
En vie, 2001-10-12 a 00:31, Chema Celorio escribio:
5. gturing

gturing is a nice little toy, but it was never finished by arturo.
Specialy the tape editor. If you know what a turing machine is (very
interesting) and you like it, this might be the right project for you.
This project is unmaintained and it is a small one, so maintaining it
should not be too hard. It will teach you the basics of gtk+ if you are
not too familiar with gtk+ yet.
I like gturing, it's a very nice toy.  But I think the tape
editor is fine (for a while).  The state editor needs love, may
Right, i meant the state editor not the tape editor.

be something as
would be cool.  Please add me as its maintainer.
Wow, this is great. Looks like it could use some gnome-canvas love.

Diego Sueiro <dhsueiro yahoo com> already mailed me asking to work on
it, but lets do something lets have diego work on the state editor and
you can work on the tape editor as you show it on your html page.
Another thing that i think could be improved is the main screen where
the tape runs. Right now it is done with a proportional font and some
gtklabels, this is far from pretty. We should have a canvas to show the
tape beeing executed.

So if you guys both agree, diego can work on the state editor and German
can work on the main window. Sounds good ?


German Poo Caaman~o
mailto:gpoo ubiobio cl

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