Re: [gnome-love] Gnome2 ppp application

gnome-ppp is part of gnome-network.  You can look at
Yeah, but it sucked ;) It didn't work for most people
and is still gtk1 so starting from scratch makes so much more sense.

However, nobody have taken its maintenance, yet.  it would be
nice to hava a dialer that rocks as wvdial/wvdialconf
just login, password and phone number and go on!.
Yeah, and if it could run as normal user without to much(or any!)
fiddling around with permissions.

I really like the glade-up. Would be need to be able to minimise it to
the notification area :) Now all we need is some dial up code. We could
just make it a frontend to ppp like kde does or use wvdial.

Unfortunately, I don't have the coding skills either. If anyone does and
gets something together, it should go in gnome-network.

                 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.

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