Re: [gnome-love] Gnome MIDI

Way back on 4 Jul 2003, Thijs Thiessens wrote:
experience. MIDI is difficult to understand, so I want to gather a group
of enthousiastic, serious people to help me with this. I do understand
quite a few things of MIDI, however I do not consider myself as having
sufficient knowledge to be able to build these MIDI applications alone.
Please have a look at Cubase VST, or alike programs to see what I mean.
I know this is really late, but let me add that yes, it doesn't look like
Gnome has any great midi software. I have just about finished a library
for reading\writing MIDI files that pretty much conforms to the MIDI file
specs. It was for a personal project but is fairly generic and should be
usable anywhere else (code is in ANSI C). I'm willing to provide the code
and any other help that may be needed. The main problem would be the
actual real-time sequencing stuff. My soundcard's not configured properly
for it so I can't help you there. Otherwise, there's probably lots of
existing code to build a foundation on.  I'm using Timdity which does
software sequencing and doesn't use the /dev/midi* devices. If you (or
anyone else) is looking to get this project of the ground, I'm willing to
lend a free hand. Let me know.

"Tell a man there are 3 billion stars in the universe and he 
will accept it on faith, tell a man a bench has wet paint and 
he will touch it to make sure"

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