[gnome-love] Bug Day Today!

I sent the below email last night before I went to bed; but as far as I
can tell, my ISP at home is playing it's little game of "Let's hold the
email for a couple days before sending it and see if anyone notices." 
So I'm resending this now.  My apologies for the fact that you'll
probably get this twice.

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 21:37, Elijah Newren wrote:
For all of you out there looking for a way to assist the Gnome project
that won't take you very long to get started and doesn't require a very
big time commitment, here it is:  Bug Day!

Bug Day is an organized day for bug triage.  In a departure from the
past (see below), it will not be running all day long but will rather be
running during most of the day but with breaks throughout the day.  It
will take place between 0900 EST (1500 GMT) to 2100 EST (0300 GMT). It
will be in irc.gnome.org in channel #bugs.  [If you join during one of
the breaks and none of us are available, please email
gnome-bugsquad gnome org with any specific questions].

There have been many other changes to help you get started as well, in
particular our triage guide has been thoroughly reworked and expanded:
   - More detailed instructions on getting started
   - Examples of triaged bugs are now included
   - Pointers on how bugzilla works have been added
   - Quick Triaging links have been collected on a single page
   - A short FAQ (frequently asked questions) has been added
   - and other things I'm probably forgetting

Note that, in particular, the FAQ contains two sections with background
on helping out and Bug Day (see sections I and II of 

I hope to see you there,
Elijah (a.k.a. 'fuzz' on IRC)

Additional Notes about the changes:  Many will note that we haven't had
an official Bug Day for a couple months--we didn't want to run one if we
couldn't be sure we would be available.  However, none of us has been
able to commit to a solid 12 hour day.  We recently decided that it
would be best to run them anyway and just let people know in advance
that we wouldn't be available at all times during the day.  We have,
however, expanded the triage guide to make it much more complete. 
Hopefully this will also make it so that others who can't make it to Bug
Day can still help by simply using the triage guide and the
gnome-bugsquad gnome org mailing list.

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