Re: [gnome-love] GNOME Keyring Manager project


On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 15:53 +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
Fernando Herrera wrote:

First proposed tasks:
Another good first task might be "write up the actual tasks the user 
needs to do, and how often they need to do them, and maintain this as 
part of the project documentation".  All these tasks are worded as if 
the UI design has already been done and it just needs implemented, but I 
don't see any references to such a thing on the wiki :)

A good starting point might be for somebody to fill out the relevant 
parts of the "Fundamental User Information" template at, 
which is similar to a document we complete for most UI projects at Sun.
I swear on the HIG that I thought I had added this to the wiki! ;-)

-- m

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez <mariano gnome org>

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