Re: [gnome-love] At last.................... I made it.......

On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 21:51 +0700, Melinda wrote:
At last I made something useful for community today. The name of my
program is wallpapoz. 

Download it here:

Wallpapoz will make your Gnome desktop so that each workspace have
different wallpaper. 

Please tell me what you think about this program. I need feedback. Thank

This is the first program that made by me and usefull for community
especially Gnome fans.


(I haven't tried the program yet, may you provide some screenshots?)

This is great: this feature has been requested many times and I
personally think it is not only eye candy, but it is also very useful to
make the different workspaces easily recognizable.

It would be even nicer if maybe you could try to get it integrated with
the core gnome components, in other words integrate it with the
wallpaper selector that it is included in gnome-control-center. That
would probably mean use plain gtk instead of gtkmm and it would not be
"your" program anymore, but I'm sure that your pride would be satisfied
by seeing your work used by millions of people and shipped with linux


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