Re: [gnome-love] Gnome features

On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 11:32 -0700, Jamie Katherine Cummings wrote:
I've recently installed Fedora Core 3 with Gnome 2.8 on one of my
machines. I've been runing Redhat 9 and Gnome 2.2 on my main machine for
a bout a year now. In teh 2.2 version of Gnome if I double click on the
top bar of a window it rolls up, (similar to the macOS features). If I
do the same in Gnome 2.8, it goes to full scren mode. Is there a way to
change this feature back to the widow roll-up?

Yes, you can change this preference under:
Applications -> Desktop Preferences -> Windows

Also, when I open my home folder (which curently uses Nautilus 2.2) on
my RH9 machine I have several more option unser "View." The one I am
particularly fond of the is ability to view the side panel. When I open
my home folder using Gnome 2.8 with Nautilus 2.8, I don't have that
option. I only have it if I open nautilus from the applications menu
using the File Browser. Again, I'd liek the older features back.

Nautilus now has two viewing modes: spatial and navigational. The side
bar feature is only available in navigational mode. If you want nautilus
to open all windows in navigational mode by default, open up Nautilus's
preferences, click the Behavior tab and select "Always open in browser

And is there a way to consolidate the applications and actions menus
back into a single menu?
If you right click your panel and choose add to panel, there are 2 menu
bars you can choose. The "Main Menu" choice has the two combined.

Michael Henson <mike axl net>

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