[gnome-love] Re: interested in implementing a (the) newsreader for Gnome?

Toni Willberg <toniw iki fi> writes:

Hello world.

Is there anyone else out there who can't find the right newsreader for
your taste?

Some ideas for the UI, that are missing/wrong in current newsreader
 - treeview with multiple roots (servers)
 - HIG compliant
 - easy to use; I want my mom to be able to use to :)
 - minimalistic features; it's a newsreader not a nuclear plant...

Ok, now it's your turn to use the cluebat and tell what you think about
this. ;)
Ive been thinking about something like this for a while as well.  Ive
been looking at it more from the point of view of a gnus type
mail/news reader.  I currently use gnus because it comes closest to
what I want my mail/news reader to do, but I would love to have a
gnome app that does this in a hig compliant and easy to use way.  Also
to accomplish the minimalistic features requirement, I was thinking
about only implementing the basic parts of the apps and then putting
in an interpreter for python or another similar language to provide an
easy interface for plugins.  I know python can easily be embedded and
guile is another language that could be used.
This is probably more than you wanted, but its something Ive been
thinking about.  

Scott Henson <scotth csee wvu edu>

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