Re: [gnome-love] idea for a new project

Le dimanche 13 mars 2005 à 15:17 +0100, Jonas Geiregat a écrit :

I've been thinking of creating something I call a
"list keeper" , It will be a gnome panel applet similar to how the
current gnome menu works.  You will be able to create categories which
will hold list item. That way you can create a "todo list", "tobring
list" , "toread list", "totalk list" etc .. that is easely accesseble
and modifiable from your desktop.
Have a look at info-management on gnome-files for reference: .
All these TODO managers could probably be extended to support all kinds
of lists.
In particular, already has some tray icon

Also, there is kde's basket which manages lists too (albeit in a bloated
fashion ;) ).

Good idea to give project ideas here; maybe I'll ask for help on the
list, if my own project takes off.

Gabriel de Perthuis

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