Re: [gnome-love] gnome-terminal scroll changes

Apparently this is an old and hot issue that has been going on for a
while. See:

It looks like vte's maintainer doesn't want to include this feature in
the main source for vte. This is why this patch is not present in gentoo
anymore, they won't include patches that are rejected by the package
maintainer. I'm fine with that. I'm sure there must be a way that I can
"configure" this behavior into gnome-terminal, without messing with
vte's source. Any ideas how?


On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 13:59, Jose Marino wrote:
I seem to have found the root of the problem. Christian was right,
gnome-terminal never had that feature. Gentoo included a patch for
vte-0.11.18 to add line scrolling. For vte-0.12.2 this patch is not
included, that's why that feature stopped working after I upgraded. So
I'll continue this discussion with the gentoo people and try to figure
out a way to add this patch to vte-0.12.2. For the time being I get line
scrolling back by using gnome-terminal-2.14.2 with vte-0.11.18.

However, I'd like to express my opinion here that gnome should include
this one line scroll patch into the main source of vte. I think it is a
really neat and useful feature. And as Christian said, the lack of this
feature made him not use gnome-terminal.


On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 12:52, Christian Sasso (csasso) wrote:
Hi Alan, I use gnome only at home, and now I'm at work, so I cannot
immediately verify what you are saying. But as a minimum, it seems to me
that the shift + up/down-arrows option is not enabled by default, 'cause
I have been checking from time to time whether this feature had been
introduced, and I'm absolutely sure that I never found it working.

Christian Sasso
To be a rock and not to roll   -- from Stairway to Heaven by Led

-----Original Message-----
From: gnome-love-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnome-love-bounces gnome org]
On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:45 AM
To: gnome-love gnome org
Subject: Re: [gnome-love] gnome-terminal scroll changes

Really?  I have this working fine on my gentoo system, with
gnome-terminal on a mostly x86 (~x86 gnome though) system.  I always
figured this was something built into zvt or something.  I'd suggestion
removing all your gconf keys for gnome-terminal and see if that does
anything.  I'm at $work right now but if needed I will dig around in my
config and prefs and see if I can see a setting in there.  


On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 11:36:42AM -0700, Christian Sasso (csasso)
Hi Jose, as far as I can remember the gnome terminal never had such 
feature. By the way, this single missing feature is why I use the KDE 
terminal in my otherwise all gnome desktop.

Christian Sasso
To be a rock and not to roll   -- from Stairway to Heaven by Led

-----Original Message-----
From: gnome-love-bounces gnome org 
[mailto:gnome-love-bounces gnome org]
On Behalf Of Jose Marino
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:21 AM
To: gnome-love gnome org
Subject: [gnome-love] gnome-terminal scroll changes


I've just upgraded to gnome-2.14 (I'm using gentoo and it was just 
marked stable last week). I'm pretty happy with all the new 
improvements in this version. However, there's a little feature I used
to love that seems to be gone now. I'm referring to scrolling in a 
gnome-terminal using the keyboard, by holding shift+up/down.

With gnome-terminal-2.12 you could scroll by pages with
shift+pgup/pgdown, or scroll by lines with shift+up/down. In this new
version I'm able to scroll by pages (shift+pgup/pgdown) but when I do
shift+up/down I get the same result as if I'd just pressed up/down 
no shift), i.e. browse the history. I really miss being able to scroll
single lines.

Now to my questions: Is this an intended change? Is it just a 
configuration issue? Does anybody else have this same issue?


PS: I apologize if this is not the right list to send this to.

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Alan <alan ufies org> -
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