Re: [gnome-love] GNOME and default application for python scripts

I think this is because it is set at the system level so it can't be changed throught nautilus.
The solution is probably to edit as root the desktop file of gajim :

/usr/share/applications/gajim.desktop (or something equivalent)

and remove the mimetype of the python files in the "MimeType" entry. Then you probably have to restart something (X session, computer ??)
These informations have been found here :

But I'm not sure this is the right way to do it nor that is will works :)

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 03:34:12PM +0200, Frederic Ruaudel wrote:
Hi Magnus,

I don't know why it is registered as is, but to remove it, there is a
simple way.

In nautilus, right click on your python file and select "properties"

Then select the "Open with" tab, select "gajim" in the list and click
the "remove" button.

that's it
Yes, that'd be where I was changing the default application to Text
Editor. Now, what do I do if the "Remove" button remains grayed out
after selecting gajim in the list? (I should have mentioned this in my
original email.)



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