Re: [gnome-love] Developing a module for GIO

Thanks everyone for helping me. I realize that I have to develop a
GIO/GVFS module but there is so few information about that (only a
laconic reference manual). I will look the Kenneth's module and
libflickcurl library. However I would apreciate a module developed for
GVFS as example (maybe ftp, webdav, http, ...). I will keep on looking
for that.

Thanks again.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Kenneth Ostby <langly langly org> wrote:
Christian Kirbach:

On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 20:38:55 +0400, Dubon Dubas <dubonadas gmail com>
 >> I would like to access to my flickr account by typing flickr:// in
 >> Nautilus
 >> address bar. I do not know how to begin. I think I must develop a GIO
 >> module
 >> or something like that but I am nor pretty sure. Could somebody help me?
 >I think you need to write a new gvfs handler for this.
 >You may want to read the gvfs/gio documentation and talk to the nautilus
 >mailing list. Alex will eventually respond.

 So, a couple of years ago I had the same idea as you, and wrote down
 some initial code for it. I've uploaded some of the code for you, which
 can be found here[1]. The main code for the nautilus plugin can be found
 in flickrfs.c, while the flicker code can be found in flickr.c. I warn
 you though, the code is pretty dirty and if you really want to improve
 it, I have some ideas on where to start :).

 Hope it was of some help.


 Life on the earth might be expensive, but it
 includes an annual free trip around the sun.

 Kenneth Østby


Juan Carlos

"¡¡Viva lo rancio!!"

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