Re: [gnome-love] Does gnome hate me and want me to go away?

Hi Hal,

Thanks for submitting the patch, it is appreciated.  There is a ton of
patches in bugzilla that need review/validation.  This is exactly why
the PatchSquad really needs to turn up the heat.  I will test this patch
and comment on it.  Hopefully we can get it merged.

Really... we do love you :)


On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 03:56 +1000, Hal Ashburner wrote:
Dear gnome-love,
2 months after I submitted this patch in bugzilla it hasn't been
reviewed or even looked at.
It really is a bug, it really does exist, this patch really fixes it
on my system. The code was painful to come to grips with as it uses an
X api that is undocumented. Yay. (Try man XShapeGetRectangles on your
system for a laugh, and note the code itself has no comment as to why
it's using XShapeGetRectangles which introduced this regression).
When kids like me fix a bug and it's ignored with no review, no
acknowledgement no nothing it really does blunt the enthusiasm to fix
more bugs. Maybe the maintainer is AWOL so bugzilla emails just ended
up in /dev/null, so s/he needs a replacement?

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