Re: [gnome-love] New propossed GnomeGoal: Modernize your autotools configuration

Le lundi 22 février 2010, à 15:29 +0100, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
Le mardi 26 janvier 2010 à 03:26 +0100, Javier Jardón a écrit : 
You can see more tips and links to the documentation in the GnomeGoal
page: [3], for example:
I read there:
        Try to avoid the use of AM_MAINTAINER_MODE. 
There's also a comment from Christian: "While I agree that removal of
AM_MAINTAINER_MODE is right, the debian maintainers seem to disagree
(see e.g. 450450  and 532550). So this part should be discussed on ddl

So let's discuss :-) For reference, this macro is documented at:

I am very disappointed to see that. Packages without AM_MAINTAINER_MODE
will break erratically when we introduce patches downstream, so the only
thing it achieves is making things harder for us.

Instead I’d like to see *all* modules use AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]).
I'm fine with AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]).


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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