Re: [gnome-love] Setting up a development environment

Virtualbox 4.3 has better support for 3D graphics in GNU/Linux guests.
Perhaps that would work better.

On 11/07/2013 12:18 PM, Mathieu Stumpf wrote:
So, I just installed a bright new Fedora into a VirtualBox (v4.1.18) but
despite the fact that I installed guest additions as explained on [1], I
can configure my guest with a resolution upper than 1024*768… Does
someone have any idea why?


Le mercredi 06 novembre 2013 à 09:38 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna a écrit :
On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Sindhu S <sindhus live in> wrote:
Hi Mathieu and all,

I found that using GNOME on arch was a better experience than other
distributions. I've done my share of distro hopping from RPM to DEB systems
and I think Arch with its quick packagers and simple installation is
recommended if you are comfortable with commandline. Arch repositories carry
GNOME 3.10.1.

+1  You get the latest development environment using "tarballs" for
free.  So you can easily develop against the latest release.
Definitely worth checking out. Arch is always the first distro out of
the gate with a pure GNOME experience after a release.  Usually within
2 weeks.  Within 1 week, you have it in testing repo.

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