Re: [gnome-love] Cannot jhbuild the webkit

On Fri, 2013-09-06 at 23:22 -0400, Miao Yu wrote:
Hi everyone: 

I changed the jhbuildrc file to the default one and I rebuild it. And
I find that the error changes. This time the error is about the
GtkCssProvider part in Gtk+3. Then I try sudo apt-get gtk+3. I am not
sure the reason but it continues to install given that I have
installed libgtk-3-dev -bin. Could anyone tell me why?
There are modules that require a newer gtk+ version than the one your
distro provides.  Usually the development version of gtk+, that is to
make use of the latest additions or fixes in there.

And then, I thought the problem should gone but I was wrong. The same
error kept popping up and I had to ignore it.

After ignoring two times it came to build gnome-online-accounts, which
cannot be built at all. So I ignored it again.
This does not sound good. Although, more details are needed.

Then the amazing thing happened, the libgdata only asked me to install
the goa-1.0 then built successfully. I am not sure whether it is
"good" but at least it finished.

Because I am quite a newbie, I just guess that libgdata needs goa, and
goa needs webkit. But goa has a release while the webkit 2.0.10 does
not have even for Ubuntu whole distos.
You first assumption is right.  libgdata requires goa, and goa requires
webkit.  As far as I see, goa requires the development version. So,
likely you will not find it either in Ubuntu or most of the other
distros out there.

FWIW, while doing other stuffs I left building libgdata with the most
recent jhbuild, it built without major issues (only a known headache of
libicu Ubuntu 12.04).  I tend to think there is strange in your
Germán Poo-Caamaño

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