Re: [gnome-love] jhbuild, behind proxy compiling gnome-todo

On 22 January 2016 at 13:31, Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 09:41:35AM +0530, Jay Aurabind wrote:
Thank you Tobias. This looks like a complex hack.
Yep. It's 2016 already.  We haven't mastered network proxies yet.
And it's getting worse when they MITM you.
Even worse, when they don't speak a weird TLS dialect.
But it's getting better. The number of places you need to put the proxy
information is getting lower...

I would like to put the line 'exec socat..' inside an 'if' so that it
is executed only if I have http_proxy or allies exported already.
Could also please tell me what needs to the corresponding line in the
else part?
It's a bash script.  So you can try to make use of it's facilities.
I think 'test -z "${http_proxy}"' could work, but I'm but my bash-fu is weak.

Tell us your results!  We should expect more people behind (corporate) proxies
and we should enable them to hack on GNOME.
Yep, I'll give it a try this weekend, and share the results.



Thanks and Regards,
Aurabindo J

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