Re: Are you planning to attend GUADEC this year?

I will come to GUADEC this year.

Julian SparberOn Jun 15, 2018 11:15, Felipe Borges <felipeborges gnome org> wrote:
Hi everyone, 

We are planning activities for newcomers and interns during GUADEC, 
and for that, we would like to have an estimation of how many of you 
are attending the conference. 

Please, reply to this email in private if you are going to be at 
GUADEC this year! 

Don't forget to register at Interns 
traditionally volunteer at GUADEC as a way to get even more involved 
with the community and support the local organizers. The volunteer 
tasks include helping at the info desk, chairing sessions, helping 
record the talks on video, photography, etc... Any time given to 
volunteering is much appreciated! 

If you cannot make it this year, we hope to see you next year or in 
other conferences with fellow GNOMies. 

GNOME GSoC Admins 
gnome-soc-list mailing list 
gnome-soc-list gnome org 

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