Zaheer Merali <zaheer grid9 net> wrote: > > The first question is whether ORBit-c++ will work multithreaded (in a > thread per request way) using ORBit-mt (I assume from the ORBit-c++ > webpage that ORBit-c++ is a wrapper around an ORBit version). In addition to the answer that Phil has already given: I have built ORBit-C++ against ORBit-mt. It required a little bit of work. I've submitted patches for it back to the ORBit-mt author (Sebastian Wilhelmi <wilhelmi ira uka de>), but I don't know if he's incorporated any of them yet, or how long until he does. I haven't done anything more complicated than concurrent "Hello World!" type requests, with delay loops to make sure they ran concurrently, and to simulate a function with a longer run-time than "Hello World!". But at least that much works, using a thread per request threading policy. It may or may not stand up to heavier loads or more requests. Contact me privately if you want me to send you what I've done. -- Sam Couter | Internet Engineer | sam topic com au | tSA Consulting | OpenPGP key available on key servers OpenPGP fingerprint: A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05 5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C
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