Re: [Orbit-python-list] Do activate_object_with_id and -ORBIPv4Portreally work?

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, ml wrote:

> It seems to be either a problem with (C-)Orbit or with my
> understanding of it.  I compiled the echo-server.c from
> the orbit-0.5.13 test suite and ran it as follows:
> ./echo-server -ORBIPv4Port=7777 -ORBIIOPIPv4=1 -ORBIIOPUSock=0
> Neither is the object id "myEchoString" as it should,
> because PortableServer_POA_activate_object_with_id() has
> been called nor is the open port 7777, but 1166 or so.
> The ior-decode utility and a check using netstat -an shows
> this clearly.  IP and not UNIX sockets is used, at least.

Could you file a bug on and CC: me on it please?

Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil. | [+55 16] 272 3330 | NMFL

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