Multi threading support in ORBIT?

Hi everyone,

I've got some - hopefully simple - questions that perhaps can be answered

I have compiled ORBit2-2.3.109 on Solaris 8, and the tests I have performed
with it sofar seem to indicate that I can use it. I have the feeling that
the amount of documentation on ORBIT2 is not very extensive (in fact I have
constructed most things from the test and example files, since I couldn't
find any decent documentation). (If anyone knows a good source of
documentation, feel free to post it :-)).

My question concerns multi-threading: does Orbit2 support multi threading?
Are there any particular things I need to do myself to support this (i.e. in
calls to and from the ORBIT code, since I need to protect any "object
instance data" that is shared amongst threads)?

Thanks in advance,
	Pieter Winter

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