Re: Making ORBit work with MS VS compilers

> That's really interesting, and thanks for the tips - parity looks like
>  it could help me with the libtool issues I'm having with MSVC. :-)

Hmm, so you are planning on still using libtool even if you compile
with MSVC? I thought your plan was to build it completely from the
IDE, i.e. create project and solution files etc. Or at least to use
nmake and its makefiles. Is it then only because you want to be able
to use the Visual Studio debugger that you want to compile ORBit2 for
Windows with the MS compiler? You do know that one can already build
it using mingw, right?

Or is your interest mainly in being able to build ORBit2-*using* code
in Visual Studio; whether ORBit2 itself then has been built with a
Unixish make+libtool+cl.exe or from the IDE is irrelevant?

Using libtool, and relying on some Unixish build environment like MSYS
or Interix, is bound to mean that at least some potential developers
won't be interested in taking part. For ORBit2 it perhaps is not that
important as it is more or less "ready" already, but especially for
working on GTK+ and GTK+-based applications like GIMP it would be nice
to attract new developers, even such that use Visual Studio IDE only,
and would be scared away by anything Unixish...


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