Started a test suite - got a typecode error.


I've added a few tests to start off a CORBA::ORBit test suite. There is
a test of orb initialisation, a test of the recent typecode work, and a
simple any encode/decode. You can run tests using the usual "make test"

I doubt I'll get the time to write a full set of tests, so if anyone has
tests please contribute them to the list.

Huw, the typecodesys.t test shows a couple of errors for me when testing
the CORBA::Long case. (i.e. its id is empty and the name is "long"
instead of "Long".). I get the same errors with both ORBit 0.5.15 and
0.5.16. Is this expected?

The user defined typecodeuser.t test cases are fine.



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