Re: orbitcpp on cygwin

Sagar Shah wrote:

u wanted to know regarding gnome libraries, i had downloaded from following

by Masahiro Sakai.

Before these i used to try it myself, but some or other problems came, than
these reference i found used to build my dependencies.

Thanks for that. I am compiling orbitcpp now.

i wanted to ask u something regarding gcc 3.2.3 and wstring support, if u
know regarding that.
what i found is gcc 3.2.3 doesn't support wstring, what i should to have it,
i also i found strange that when i built orbit cpp package using gcc 2.95 no
problems came, while using gcc 3.2.3 the below described earlier in the mail

if u guide regarding gcc 3.2.3 and wstring i would really appreaciate ur
efforts, i know thse is not a appropiate mailing list, but being a open
source friend, i request for these.

GCC 3.2 should support wide strings, the following program works for me (GCC 3.2.1). It may be a namespace problem, have you prefixed with std:: appropriately. Starting with GCC 3.0 the std namespace is properly implemented/enforced. In GCC 2.95 the std:: is essentially ignored so there isn't a difference between wstring and std::wstring.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
       std::wstring s = L"foobar";
       std::wcout << s << std::endl;
       return 0;

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
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