Re: NameService

absmeier fmi uni-passau de wrote:


I'm quite new with CORBA and corbacpp. I downloaded your source code and found
the orb and poa stuff in the header files. I think I can use it like "advanced
CORBA programming with C++".  But I found nothing about the NameService yet.
Must I use the C stuff CosNaming instead? Or did I miss something?
I've never actually used the name service stuff. But for what it's worth here is my understanding. ORBit provides CosNaming.idl which defines the interface for the name service. It also provides an implementation of the name service which you can run. If you have the IOR of the name service you can always connect to it using C++ code (like any other object). ORBit-cpp doesn't provide a library of the stub code for you. So you will need to compile the CosNaming.idl to generate the stubs. This is exactly the same as compiling your own IDL except the source file is at /prefix/share/idl/orbit-2.0/CosNaming.idl. I don't think that there are any helper programs or functions, either in C or C++, to assist in registering objects with the name service so you will have to do everything using IDL.
I will file a bug on this, you're not the first person to ask about this.

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
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