Re: GAIM not automatically reading messages (was Re: orca 2 issues)

hi will,

 is confused, do I need to install IRC?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Willie Walker" <William Walker Sun COM>
To: "Orca screen reader developers" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: GAIM not automatically reading messages (was Re: orca 2 issues)

Hi Cody:

This is very odd behavior and I haven't noticed it.  We should try to
both use GAIM to meet at the #orca channel in at some time
and try to resolve this in a more real-time fashion.


On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 08:12 -0400, Cody Hurst wrote:
hi will,

  Sure, first of all, I might just be sitting here, no typing or
anything and a message will come in and nothing is said, I have to try
clicking my mouse wheel into the upper text area to read the text...I
also don't even hear my own text messages being spoken when submitted
intot he upper read only text box...


On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 10:01 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
> Hey Cody:
> (Answering your issues one at a time and re-writing the subject lines > to
> help others that might look through the archives in the future).
> > 1. When in gaim and inside an IM window with another person, I was
> > told that orca will automatically read incoming messages. I don't see
> > this happening. What should I do
> It should be doing this. There is a known issue where if you are > typing
> at the same time a message is coming in, your typing will interrupt the
> message.  This may or may not be what you are running into.  Can you
> describe more about what you are doing?
> Will
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