Re: Orca workspace problem

As a follow-up to my previous message, you might want to check out:

I've found it quite helpful.

Take care.

On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 04:54 -0400, Cody Hurst wrote:
  This morning I added the workspace switcher to my gnome panel and now
all my icons are not in the window list, I mean, I don't see the icons
where they usually are while an application is running. Instead there is
nothing, but the programs are running. My problem is, how do I switch
between workspaces? I can't get to all but 2 programs if I don't have my
icons down in the window list area, because for some reason the alt tab
only cycles 2 windows at a time, I guess the 2 most recently used
windows. Anyone know how to get my icons back down in my window list and
get rid of this stupid workspace switcher?


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