Orca Crosswire clip (was Re: flat review mode)

The cross hairs (also called crosswires) are features of the magnifier
that draw a vertical line and horizontal line the width and height of
the screen to allow some users to more easily locate the cursor.  The
clip feature prevents them from being drawn over the cursor itself.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 08:08 +0200, Daniel Nylander wrote:
Willie Walker skrev:
Hi Daniel:

Thank you for translating!  The flat review mode of Orca treats the
window as a two dimensional sheet of text, eliminating any notion of
widget hierarchy or other logical grouping/hierarchy in the window.  The
user then navigates up/down, left/right, line-by-line, word-by-word, and
character-by-character.  Over time, we expect to improve this, but the
general idea is a flat (or spatial) review of text on the screen.
Thank you, Willie.

I have one more question.
What is a "cross-hair clip"?

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