Re: Orca new user with a few questions

Hey Jason,

I'll tackle a couple of these:

2. Can I use an external synthesizer with Orca, such as a Dectalk Express?
The DECtalk express is supported through the use of its Emacspeak speech server. I don't have an express myself, but I know several people on the list have gotten this to work.
3.  Is the version of Open Office that is included in Edgy sufficient
for accessibility, or should I go and get one of the recent snapshots?
There were issues with Open office, as well as various other packages that 
shipped on the Knot 1 CD.  most of these have since been resolved, so If you 
haven't done it yet, I would suggest performing a dist-upgrade in order to 
insure you have all the latest stuff.  One problem is that the sources.list 
on the knot 1 cd doesn't include all the necessary repositories.  If you 
need a working sources.list, let me know, and I can send one to you off 

4.  Is there a version of Firefox and evolution that I can get that will
work better with Orca?
The version of Evolution included in Edgy should be fine.  As far as 
Firefox, the real accessibility work will be done in version 3, which I 
believe has just recently made an appearance in alpha form, and can be 
downloaded from as a nightly build.
Good luck,


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Fayre" <jfayre cocenter org>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: Orca new user with a few questions

Hello everyone,
I have just installed Ubuntu Edgy Knott 1 on a system and I have Orca
working with speech and braille.  So far, it seems to work fairly well.
 I have a couple questions though.
1.  Is anyone working on a Cepstral Swift driver for gnome-speech?
2. Can I use an external synthesizer with Orca, such as a Dectalk Express?
3.  Is the version of Open Office that is included in Edgy sufficient
for accessibility, or should I go and get one of the recent snapshots?
4.  Is there a version of Firefox and evolution that I can get that will
work better with Orca?

Well, I guess that was more than a couple questions, but any help would
be appreciated!
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