Re: Orca new user with a few questions

On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 04:02:26PM EST, Tomas Cerha wrote:
Henrik Nilsen Omma napsal(a):
2.  Can I use an external synthesizer with Orca, such as a Dectalk Express?
Others will be able to answer these better than I can, but it might help 
you to know that we will also provide a version of Orca with an 
experimental Speech Dispatcher back-end, which will be able to support 
more synths. This will be in a separate repository though (compiled and 
hosted by Luke)
Yes, Speech Dispatcher supports Dectalk.
Note that speech dispatcher only supports software dectalk, not the 
DECtalk express speech synthesizer.

If you wish to use a DECtalk express, I suggest you use Orca's emacspeak 
back-end to make use of the external speech synthesizers that Emacspeak 

Come to think of it, its something to consider adding a recommends for 
in the gnome-orca package.

I also intend to write a speakup back-end for orca, sometime in the 
future, once orca's speech back-end API has settled down.
Luke Yelavich
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