Re: Orca orca braille key bindings

Hi Olivier:

The code that is reading keys from BrlAPI lives in  Samuel explained to me what the return
value was and he even added some helper methods to digest the value
after I had written the current code.  But, I still never fully
understood it, so the code might be a little hacky and could use some

In any case, if you wanted to hack, you could try adding code to this
routine to intercept text entry commands and then call Orca's method to synthesize a
corresponding keyboard event.

It's not all straightforward how to do this, but I think most of the
work will be trying to round out the understanding of what the BrlAPI
and AT-SPI calls are in this space.

Is this a space in which you might be willing to work? 


On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 15:12 +0100, Olivier BERT wrote:
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 02:33:19PM -0500, Willie Walker wrote:

The method binds BrlTTY commands to Orca
commands, and Orca has some latent support for allowing you to extend
this from within your own ~/.orca/ or

You'll see that there are not a whole lot of BrlTTY bindings in there
right now.  The main ones allow you to pan the braille display and move
up and down in flat review mode.  We also try to have the cursor routing
keys "do the right thing", which will usually means having the effect of
clicking the left mouse button on the object.

Do you have ideas for specific BrlTTY commands you'd like to see added?
I've not yet thought about others brltty commands to map. 
But, there is something I would like to see implemented, but I don't know
if it's possible. Actually, it would be great if we could type text from
braille displays which have a braille keyboard. 
But, there are two questions :
1) First, regarding BRLAPI, is there a way to get directly characters
 from brlapi_readKey() and not dots ? And if yes, what's the type of 
keycodes ? (X keysyms, ASCII chars etc.)
2) Then, is it possible in orca source code to generate keypressed events
to input characters in the current application or directly in X keyboard
stack ?


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