Re: Orca which version of python-orbit is to be used with ?

I took the source of the Ubuntu package of 2.14, the origional, not the Ubuntu-modified one, and built the python module from source.
This is on Debian.
Orca now goes through the text-based setup and starts up when startx is executed. I used to be able to press left-control-alt-tab to jump between top panel, desktop and botom panel. It now seem to be stuck on desktop. I also cannot start a program by pressing alt-f2 and do not get the dialog for entering an appliction name. Alt-f1 used to give me a kind of a menu with applications. I do not get this either.
I suppose It must be some incompatibility.
Any ideas?
TIA, Willem

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi Willem:

You should be working with GNOME 2.14, which (I believe) includes
PyORBit 2.14.0.  The "orbit-io-thread" stuff is needed to help prevent
hangs, and was added in PyORBit 2.13.0, I believe.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 10:22 +0200, Willem van der Walt wrote:
What is the full version number of the python-orbit module that is
compatible with the current CVS version of Orca?
I also get:
import atspi
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/orca/", line 48, in
TypeError: ORB_init() takes no keyword arguments

Any ideas?
TIA, Willem

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