RE: Orca Installation problem

Okay, time for my newbieness to really shine. Where, exactly should I be
doing my compiling and how do I as you put it " have orca install itself

into /usr/local". I must admit that everything I've installed so far I
have compiled under my downloads folder in under /home/mwigle/ and done
the configure, make and make install from there hoping that it will work
(which it frequently has to some extent or other). Where should I be
extracting the software to build to and is that where the program
actually installs too? I know this isn't what this forum is for really
but I haven't found a good place to ask these questions yet. :P As a
side note, I'm looking at doing another rebuild on my one linux test
machine so when it comes time to reinstall al the add-on packages again
it would be nice for this and everything else to be done correctly.
Thanks again.

Michael Wigle
Computer Access Specialist
Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
2045 Gilbert Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-487-4243
Fax: 513-221-2995
E-mail: mike wigle cincyblind org
-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Yelavich [mailto:themuso themuso com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 3:57 PM
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Orca Installation problem

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 06:11:20AM EST, Mike Pedersen wrote:
Hello Michael,
Orca 0.2.2 tar ball
I didn't use any command options when I did the ./configure 
command because I've never used options with that command 
when compiling anything. I'm not sure what options to use or why.
This might be  your problem.  Your configure should look like

YOu really don't need to specify any options. I have orca install itself

into /usr/local, as /usr is package managed, and should I need to 
change/remove orca files, I would rather have it installed somewhere 
where it won't get trod on/get in the way of other files. It is also 
easier to remove by hand then if something were to happen with my build 
source such that it couldn't remove anything.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso themuso com
ICQ: 18444344

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