Re: Orca How does a WIKI work for everyone?

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On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 12:49:15AM EST, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

As part of the Orca web setup, the GNOME site provides us with the  
ability to use a WIKI.  My thoughts on the WIKI are that it can be a  
repository for us to share:

o Setup details for specific distributions
  (e.g., Solaris, Ubuntu, Fedora Core, SUSE, etc.)

o Details on how to navigate/use the GNOME desktop

o Details on how to navigate/use specific applications
I am all for a wiki. A lot of Ubuntu's information and planning is done 
on a wiki, so I have no problems in using one.

o Common pitfalls, etc.

My question, however, is whether WIKI content is accessible and how  
cumbersome it is for our users.  Here's a very empty page:

The only real content on this page is "Orca is a screen reader for  
the GNOME platform. This WIKI is currently under development."
It looks like the same wiki software that Canonical use, but I am not 
certain about that. As it is, it looks fine to me. I would be happy in 
helping set out a wiki page structure etc, when Willie gives the 
go-ahead for its use. I know a little moinMoin formatting I think, so 
things shouldn't be too difficult.

Before I center us on using a WIKI for various things, I'd like your  
feedback on whether it is something that will be useful or useless  
for our users.  Please let me know.
As previously stated, go for it! :)
- -- 
Luke Yelavich
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