Re: Orca Dependencies Question

This gave us a build that installed without complaint. We then querried
the rpm to see what modules it used in the build and got:
Ahh - cool - didn't know it could do that.

automatically referenced during the build? For instance, it seems the
gtk+ requirement is something of a misnomer in Fedora, as
gtk2-2.8.17-1.fc5.1 is actually installed. Ditto for eel and python.
It may be.  I remain perplexed whenever I run into the various terms gtk
+, gtk+-2.0, and gtk2.  The thing we need is the GTK that is used by
GNOME 2.14.  I think "gtk+-2.0" is the right thing and the version we
care about is 2.8.16 or better.  The entry I put in the sample spec file
is an attempt to reflect this, and I pulled the line from other spec
files for other GNOME projects.

The big issue here, however, is how to reflect build requirements vs.
runtime requirements.  To build Orca, you need surprisingly little as
you discovered.  Python is a very dynamic language, however, that
resolves its dependencies at run time.  As such, you don't really
discover what's missing until you actually try to use it.

Because of the dynamic nature of Python, I leaned towards forcing the
runtime requirements to be build requirements in, and I
believe you are probably running into this.  I did this to try to avoid
users that scream "HEY! It built, but it won't run.  What did you guys
screw up?" when in fact the problem is that they didn't have the
necessary runtime requirements installed.


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