Re: orca sarting up at log on (fc5)

hi pete,
I question. When I edit that line in the gdm.conf file, how would the line look when I replace the line with the orca command. I don't want to mess up this machine, and not very good with commands...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Korn" <Peter Korn Sun COM>
To: "Orca screen reader developers" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: orca sarting up at log on (fc5)

Hi Cody,

Please see the GNOME Accessibility Guide (at and specifically the section titled "Configuring the Desktop for Accessible Login" at
It's written assuming your screen reader is Gnopernicus (the "srcore" with 
command line options bit).  Replace that with orca and you should be set. 
It's what we used when we demo-ed Orca with accessible login at CSUN last 

Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
I'm such a distro hopper. I'm now on fc5 and thats final! Is there a way, now that I've installed orca 0.2.3, that I can have orca boot up at the log on screen? I like the extra options in the orca setup by the by...

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