Re: Java access bridge with Orca

Vladyslav wrote:
Hello Vladyslav,

I looks like the Java Access Bridge is installed correctly. What Java applications are you testing with? Also, what output are you describing? Is it debug output or output in the Braille monitor?

I am having problems running Java jfc/swing applications under Gnome.
The output Orca is providing consists of randomly looking characters.
The following software components are used:

Debian testing, Gnome 2.14, orca 2.3, jdk 1.5.0 Java access bridge for gnome 1.5.0.

The access bridge has been installed as follows:
1. Compiling of sources.
2. make install
the resulting files (gnome-access-bridge.jar, JNav.jar are installed in to the directory
/usr/local/share/jar/. I've created symlinks from the
gnome-access-bridge.jar and JNav.jar  to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and
from to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib

With symlinks created, JRE seems to be able to load the access bridge.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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