Re: Orca manually starting orca and related problem

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Actually, that *is* what happens.  But it only happens when you have a
live CD where the accessible install is functioning.   <smile> It seems
that this functionality is broken or missing in some of the mirrored CD
images.  I have just verified that the image Henrik referenced yesterday
does work:
Right, I think the confusion has arisen because we were encouraging 
people to test pre-release versions (which did help us iron out various 
issues, thanks!).
I have certainly posted links to several 
times. I guess people find these in the archives and use them still.
Those will always only be unstable versions, and in fact Feisty Fawn 
should start appearing there in a few weeks (not recommended at this point).
The final releases are mirrored on many different servers, which all 
have the word 'releases' in the name. is an example.
Sorry for any confusion caused!


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