Re: Orca which version of decTalk is compatible?


Aruni Sharma wrote:

However, there are two choices listed for linux as below:
1 Fonix DECtalk 5.0 RT Linux - ARM - US English
2 Fonix DECtalk 5.0 RT Linux - x86 - US English
Which version is compatible

You will want the second one which is the X86 version which will run on all standard pcs.
and what will be its limitations? I mean,
Shall I be able to use it if I switch over to some other distribution of
linux in future?

Yes. I have Dectalk 5 for Linux, the X86 version, and I have successfully ran it under Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Debian, and I can't think of an instance where it wouldn't work with most Linux distributions out there on the internet.
I currently having it running with Ubuntu 6.10 with Orca.


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