Re: Orca not reading checked/unchecked" state in "users and groups" dialog - is this known?


I have been trying to use the "users and groups" dialog from the prefs
menu of the system menu in Gnome with Orca under Ubuntu. On the
"previleges" page there's a table where you can specify what services
the user may and may not use . Some items are checked and others are
not, but Orca doesn't read the status of the check boxes. Is this a
known bug or something one should report somewhere?
I have just confirmed this.  Please file a bug at
under product orca.
thanks much for your testing.
Hi, I've been playing with treeviews with checkboxes inside its cells and
I can also confirm that Orca doesn't read the status of the check box...

_("Free as in Freedom")

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