2006-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Orca nfb trans question,
Cody Hurst
Orca A newbie question to firefox users out there,
Krister Ekstrom
Orca Information about installing orca,
Sauro Cesaretti
Orca gdm,
Miguel Ross
Orca not reading checked/unchecked" state in "users and groups" dialog - is this known?,
Krister Ekstrom
Orca Newbie questions about writing scripts for ?,
Krister Ekstrom
Re: Orca How to make an action?,
Willie Walker
Orca Is this a bug?,
Krister Ekstrom
Orca edgy and sound issue,
Cody Hurst
Orca a test,
Cody Hurst
Re: Orca terminal output is spoken even when terminal isn't focus ed,
Orca access to apps in wine?,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca Applications menu announced, but that is all,
Willem van der Walt
Orca A possible bug,
Orca terminal output is spoken even when terminal isn't focused,
Kenny Hitt
Orca orca doesn't track focused item in nautilus when in list view,
Kenny Hitt
Orca [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: list of orca bugs]],
Francisco Javier Dorado =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mart=EDnez?=
Orca list of orca bugs,
Kenny Hitt
Orca on my laptop,
Cody Hurst
Orca ekiga setup wizzard help,
Cody Hurst
Orca customizing readCharAttributes for StarOffice.py,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca outputCharAttributes is speech only?,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca OOo 2.0.4 RC1 doesn't like being poked,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca DECtalk stability on Linux,
Kenny Hitt
Orca overriding a method?,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca rhythmbox,
Kenny Hitt
Orca Cepstral fixed the festivalify script,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca punctuation and speechfactory problem,
Olivier BERT
Orca Apply, Ok, Cancel...,
Jorge =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sand=EDn?=
Orca Introduction, comments and a question or two,
Garry Turkington
Orca install,
mike coulombe
Orca orca does not speak toggling of font attributes in openoffice.,
krishnakant Mane
Orca orca bug discovered, can't get output in gnome-terminal,
krishnakant Mane
Re: Orca problems with text navigation in orca discovered],
Rich Burridge
Orca problems with text navigation in orca discovered,
krishnakant Mane
Orca patches from Ubuntu,
Henrik Nilsen Omma
Orca Python Headers figured out,
Michael Wigle
Orca Python headers not found,
Michael Wigle
Orca A few queries about Braille in orca.,
Luke Yelavich
Orca sbackup not accessable with orca,
Orca Accessible applications WIKI,
Al Puzzuoli
Orca Announcing v1.0.0,
Willie Walker
Orca FW: the -v switch doesn't work?,
Orca the -v switch doesn't work?,
Cody Hurst
Orca question regarding installing orca on a new dapper box,
krishnakant Mane
Orca possible problem with latest edgy updates,
Joanmarie Diggs
Orca RV: Quiting orca,
Orca Quiting orca,
Chris Jones
Orca hangs when using Freeloader.,
Al Puzzuoli
Re: Orca Speech Dispatcher and (was Re: new user with a few questions),
Willie Walker
Orca Spoken boot (was: Speech Dispatcher),
Henrik Nilsen Omma
Orca Improving navigation in the wiki.,
Orca very unfortunate with edgy live cd, can't get it working,
krishnakant Mane
Re: Orca [Accessibility-atspi] [Kde-accessibility] /KDE Integration,
Oliver Braun
Re: Orca Ubuntu on my desktop,
Thomas Ward
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