Re: [orca-list] orca and graphics applications

Hi Cody,

GIMP is the closest open source app to Adobe Photoshop. For doing more line-based work (comparable to Adobe Illustrator), you might check out Inkscape <> which is an SVG editing tool. Also, has some fairly sophisticated graphics manipulation features. Given that you have some vision, I suggest you try these on Ubuntu Feisty with the Beryl window manager using their magnification functionality.
Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.  Also, if you do spend time 
with Draw, please share your experiences, so we can work 
with the folks on accessibility improvements there. 


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Hi all,
This might sound weird coming from someone who is legally blind, but I would like to know if there are any good accessible graphics applications comparable to adobe photo shop for linux. I know there is gimp, but I'm not quite sure it'll be the ap to get my job done. What I am trying to do is make neon signs you can see some examples at <>. Let me know if this can be done accessibly, since I do have some useful vision.. Cody

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