Re: [orca-list] form field structural navigation

Now that i've heard the explanation from the developers, i agree with
them. I don't want forms mode either so i agree with the developers.

Brent Harding wrote:
The only problem with F and shift-F is that then we need code to decide 
whether we are in an edit box or not to tell whether the F or capitalized 
version gets typed or moves on to the next field. The only way I see this 
working is by then putting in forms mode. I don't know that virtual buffers 
are really the way to go with HTML, and I'm not sure why Windows programs 
mostly take that approach.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darragh Ó Héiligh" <lists digitaldarragh com>
To: "hermann" <steppenwolf2 onlinehome de>
Cc: "Joanmarie Diggs" <joanmarie diggs gmail com>; <Orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] form field structural navigation

Sorry, I cant test at the moment as my installation of Orca is working
very baddly.

My one and only feedback is that I really don't like the key
assignment for this feature.  f and shift plus f seems much more
logicle.  I know people are going to complain that again, I am
referencing a keyboard map used by a windows vendor but my point
remains the same.  It is my hope that more and more windows users will
realise the power that Linux, Gnome and indeed Orca provides and
change over.  The usage of standards developed by Windows A T vendors
will help this transition and will decrease the learning curve.

The other important point to note is that of course, different people
like different key combinations.  I therefore suggest that a user
customizable keyboard map is created.

Thanks again for the creation of another fantastic feature.  I was
personally waiting for this. When ready, it will really speed up my
web browsing.



On 24/04/07, hermann <steppenwolf2 onlinehome de> wrote:
Hi Joanie,
the main tester is back again ;-)
A brief comment to item 2: Till now I found not much difference in
correctly/incorrectly speak/braille field labels.
But the majo issue is item 1: It doesn't work too reliable.
Check the form fields forward and backward. I found out, that especially
when I move backward, Orca doesn't land on the fields surely.
Sometimes it seems as if the Orca modifier key is not recognized, so
that, in fact, you press shift+tab. Could of course be a handling
problem, so what about redefining, for example "f"?
Next problem: When I've visited several sites, doing search on the last
one, pressing Orca+Shift+Tab, I hear the whole history, e.g. Orca tells
me where I've been before and then says where I've landed.
Finally a very annoying thing: When pressing the form navigation keys,
Orca does not release the modifier key. Result: If you press the arrow
keys, you decrease/increase rate or pitch. Another argument for
redefining the keystrokes.

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