Re: [orca-list] Question about log out dialog

I am also testing with a 40-digit Braille display. I am not sure whether
we are talking about the same procedure. When the logout dialogue is
called, the cursor is at the logout button. Then, I read the dialogue
with the Braille display and stay on the space where the remaining time
is shown. From now on, I don't press any  more keys on the Braille
display. The display on the Braille display is not being updated and I
am logged off automatically after 60 seconds. I would have expected the
Braille display to update the remaining time independently.
I suspect you are running into a fundamental restriction of the current
flat review implementation.  We're tracking this via the following bugs: and

The basic idea is that flat review current takes a snapshot of the
window and allows you to explore that snapshot.  If the contents of the
window change while you are exploring that snapshot, the snapshot is not
updated.  We made some modifications recently to reflect changes in
things like progress bars, but I don't think those modifications will
handle things such as changes to text areas.  

For GNOME 2.22, we plan on providing a better solution for those who
want to use flat review as a primary operating mode (we originally
designed it to be an escape mode).


Can you describe more about how you are 

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