Re: [orca-list] suggestions for upgrading Espeak

I am no expert on this, but maybe the easiest would be to get the source 
of an existing espeak package and then replace the espeak source portion 
with the new version's source.
One can then utilize the control file/rules etc. of the original one I 
I have not done this, but that would be the way I would approach the 

I see under Debian that they have packaged espeak into a number of 
different packages which might complicate matters.
They are:
espeak espeak-data libespeak-dev libespeak1 python-codespeak-lib
Regards, Willem

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi Willem:

I think on the package issue, one should build a package with 
dpkg-buildpackage to solve your second problem.
Thanks! Can you explain more about how to do this?  Does it require
getting a debian control file from somewhere?


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