Re: [orca-list] kubuntu and orca

What does knackerd mean? you said if the computer is knackered.
And if it's knackered will i have to use hardware speech? if so I'm screwed because I don't have hardware speech synthesizer and I only have one serial port. I don't think computers are being made with serial ports anymore.

email: jkenn337 gmail com
msn: kenn6498ku hotmail com
AOL: kutztownstudent
skype: jkenn337

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Norman" <chris norman4 ntlworld com>
To: "Josh" <jkenn337 gmail com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] kubuntu and orca

On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 12:15 -0400, Josh wrote:

What's the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu? or does the x mean it's
faster? Hopefully the bug where orca locks while trying to run it from the
live cd will be fixed soon.
Well, XUbuntu is built on the XFCE desktop, which is like gnome without
the whistles and bells (so I'm told). It is faster yes.

I can't wait to try this out for myself.

Someone on messenger said he doesn't care for graphical linuxes. he said he uses
grml, and red-hat a little. I don't really know what the differences are
between the two console-based systems.
GRML is built to be used as a live cd by system administrators and
hackers and the like. As such I_GOUND_IT to be less stable, but that
could be me, and isn't a poke at the developers, because it is a very
good system. RedHat is a commercial system I believe, but it has a free
version, which is just as good, but without the technical support called
fedora ( I think). Redhat / Fedora are more
server calss systems, and as such I find very stable and good, although
things such as wireless aren't as good as Ubuntu or GRML for example,
and I find the package manager very slow.

but I told him it seems like everything's going graphical these days. besides, even from a graphical
linux you can still launch a shell and use the console, right?
Not everything is going graphical to be fair. I am still logged into 6
TTYs as well as the graphics. And you can launch the terminal, but not
if the computer is knackered and the graphical interface won't load, so
you'll need to use the console, and as such a different screen reader.

What a lot of people don't realise is that the console is a lot more
powerful, but is harder to use than the less potent graphical interface.
But don't make the mistake of thinking that console apps are out,
because they're not. In fact, if you load an x session on a server
dishing out connections to thin clients for example, then the hole thing
will grind to a hault.


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