Re: [orca-list] Orca in VMWare

I have not tried booting linux from Vm ware, but I was able to do so using Q, although Q is too slow to be useful at present. Nevertheless, the fact that I was able to launch linux/ubuntu with Q, and that I could hear Orca when I started it up, makes be optimistic that linux/Orca will also be accessible with Vm ware. If anyone is successful using Vm ware to launch/use ubuntu and Orca, please let the rest of the list know.
Rafael Bejarano
On Aug 23, 2007, at 2:05 PM, Chris Norman wrote:

Hi all,
Has anyone managed to boot a linux virtual machine, from a linux host
and get speech? Or even any sound at all?

If so, what distros were you using?



Chris Norman.

<!-- chris norman4 ntlworld com -->

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